1949 Cullen Blvd. Houston, TX 77023 713-236-9977 Fax 713-236-0073
First Holy Communion preparation for children 1st grade Ages: 7-10
For baptized children who would like to prepare to receive their First Holy Communion Sacrament.
Formation classes are every Saturday September to June.
Mandatory Parent / Student Orientation: September 7th. Classes begin September 14th
How to begin to teach your children about the Eucharist:
1. Tell the story of the Last Supper to your child. It can be read as a bedtime story or told as a part of
family story time on Sundays. Locate a children's bible and show the child pictures of the Last
Supper. The pictures will help to explain why the Last Supper is so important to Christians.
2. Go to mass and sit with the child as close to the front as possible so that he/she can see what the
priest is doing. Whisper to the child and explain that the priest is doing the same thing that Jesus did
when he ate with the disciples.
3. Allow the child to ask questions after mass and answer the questions as honestly as possible.
Remind the child that the Eucharist is a Holy Sacrament and that the grace of God comes to those
who receive communion.